AS WE ENTER the lovely, colorful season of Thanksgiving with falling leaves turning yellow, burnt-orange, and ruby red, we are reminded once again of our magnificent Creator and the beauty He surrounds us with.
In the United States on November 5th at 2:00am, clocks turn back one hour. We gain an extra hour of sleep and lose an hour of light in the evening. It’s a time when many begin to hang exterior lights to brighten dark neighborhoods in preparation for the Christmas season.
AS FOLLOWERS of JESUS CHRIST, or YESHUA as His parents and the disciples called Him, we are called to be a city on the hill and a beacon of hope for the hopeless. We can encourage others around us by reflecting the joy of the Lord which is our strength in these often-challenging times. We can seek to remain in the presence of the Prince of Peace who is our Beloved, our Healer, Redeemer, Deliverer, our Savior and our soon-returning King!
As a family, or with friends, as a church group, or individually we can come up with fun and helpful ideas of ways to bless others and let them know Jesus loves them. Many are alone and depressed at the holiday season…what a wonderful opportunity to splash the love and light of our God upon them, and connect in a personal way. You may be the only smile and special little gift or card they receive…and most importantly, you may be the only one who ever shares the love of God and the salvation message with them, and offers to pray with them!
Like the five wise virgins found in Matthew 25, we have the chance to keep our oil lamps filled and have plenty of reserve so we are ready to meet our Bridegroom whenever He comes! Oil represents the Holy Spirit.
Today and every day, may we all be filled to overflowing with the Spirit of our living, loving, one true God as we steadfastly seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness in all areas of our lives. May we endeavor to be a radiant light in this world, blessing Our Lord first and then blessing others into His Kingdom.
With love and blessings,
Maryal Boumann
National Women’s Ministry Director
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