The Two Wings of Evangelism

The Two Wings of Evangelism

By Rev. James Quayle
Director for Evangelism

The Two Wings of Evangelism:

Have you ever seen a bird fly with just one wing? If you have, it was probably struggling and flying in circles! I liken this to evangelism that is done by proclamation only. Evangelists such as Billy Graham, Louis Palau, or even many pastors proclaim the good news of Jesus from pulpits and many are saved this way. However, the other wing of evangelism is you and I!

Jesus said “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”; Acts 1:8. He also commanded us to “go and make disciples”; Matt 28:19. Every disciple of the Lord Jesus
Christ should be able to give an account for the hope that is within them; 1 Peter 3:15. We are to be salt and light in the world around us; Matt 5:13.
We are called to be ambassadors for God’s Kingdom; and of course we have been entrusted with the message and ministry of reconciliation for our generation; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20. This is the other “wing” of evangelism.
We each carry a responsibility to be witnesses, and to be prepared to do so whenever the Lord provides us with the opportunity.

In Ephesians 4:11-13 the Spirit, through the apostle Paul, writes of five special gifts that are given for the “equipping” of God’s people. One of these special gifts is that of the evangelist.
Another is the gift of teacher. I believe that anyone who has the gift of an evangelist should not only be a proclaimer of the gospel, but an equipper, and teacher to God’s people in order to help them become better witnesses. In my experience, this area of equipping is seriously lacking in the American church. Does your church have regular prayer specifically focused on evangelism? How confident do you feel about witnessing?

My heart is to see each person in the body of Christ much better prepared for the most important mission the Lord has given us…Witnessing. These difficult days in which we are now living demands it! If you, your small group, or church would like help, feel free to contact me at or


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